Many cities and towns in the North Country have many what could be considered still natural areas that support white tailed deer. Urban deer populations benefit from abundant food and shelter. They have few natural predators and bylaws usually prohibit the hunting of local deer within the city or municipal areas. Some people consider them wonderful and a joyous sight to see while others consider the local deer a pest. In some locales - such as at the Winnipeg Manitoba international airport deer can be considered a serious pest in terms of safety when it comes to blocking airport runways and created a natural or what might be considered an unnatural hazard and hazards to the arriving aircraft on the long runways of the Winnipeg Canada airport.
While deer can sometimes and often damage shrubbery, gardens, ornamental and fruit trees as well as damage both private and public properties, they normally are only considered a nuisance except of course if they do wander on those runways or onto roads where they can cause considerable damage to both vehicles on the road and highways and of course to the poor deer as well.
What are basic rules, steps and procedures when it comes to observing and to a great extent living peaceably and in harmony with other these deer - who are other members of nature?
First and foremost make a solid rule never to feed these deer. It is more than singly important that people do not feed the deer. Deer can find natural food sources and can amazingly survive most well, when left simply alone. You may think that you are being a sport and helping the deer with a handout of food, or food left out for these fine animals. In all seriousness and respects you are doing a great disservice to these deer and indeed may be putting them in great risk further on in time.
Why would feed ordinary deer be a disservice to deer populations and indeed put them into risk later? First of all feeding deer especially during the wintertime season maintains artificially high deer populations. This can make the deer themselves more susceptible to starvation and disease that might not have occurred ordinarily without your feeding of the deer.
Deer are very intelligent creatures. They quickly learn and become accustomed to food handouts and especially friendly food handouts from such fine people as you. It can be said that deer fed by humans, lose their fear of humans amazingly quickly and with speed. This puts both the deer and people (who may not have fed the deer themselves) at greater risk. It is amazing to note, that another person who takes the time to approach a tamed deer rather easily, and then does not feed the deer risks the ire of the animal. Imagine a dog or cat accustomed to be given a reward of food getting agitated and angry when no food handout is in order. Imagine then a much larger and generally aggressive wild animal in such a situation. Not a good idea overall for some hapless human in the wrong place at the wrong time thinking how cute it would be get close to what they consider to be almost a household domesticated pet - though in this case a still very large still wild deer.